2022年9月2日、米国特許商標庁(USPTO)は、35U.S.C.§156に基づいて過去5年以内に提出された特許期間延長(patent term extension(以下、PTE))出願と、延長された特許期間に関する情報を提供する新しい公開ウェブページ(Applications for patent term extension and patent terms extended under 35 U.S.C. § 156)を開設したと発表しました。
- 2022.09.02 USPTO: USPTO launches new public webpage to enhance accessibility to patent term extension information
この情報には、PTE出願された特許番号、PTE出願日、認められた延長期間、および医薬品の商品名、Patent Centerへのリンクが提供されており、今後、四半期ごとに更新していく予定とのことです。
特許期間延長情報を提供する新しいウェブページ(Applications for patent term extension and patent terms extended under 35 U.S.C. § 156)には、以下のように、35U.S.C.§156に基づいて過去5年以内に提出されたPTE出願と、延長された特許期間に関するリストが別々に提供されています。
List of applications for patent term extension
The following spreadsheet is a list of all applications for patent term extension under 35 U.S.C. § 156 that have been filed within the past five years. The status of each application, including disposition—such as granted, denied, withdrawn, pending—may be determined by reviewing the electronic file wrapper in Patent Center. Patents that have received certificates of patent term extension are identified in the list further down this web page.
List of patent terms extended under 35 U.S.C. § 156
NOTE: This list is for informational purposes only and is not intended to have legal effect. Furthermore, this list does not include patents that have been extended only under § 156(e)(2) or § 156(d)(5) (patents that have only received an interim extension). A copy of the certificate of extension should be included in the “correction” section of the patent’s images. All patent images can be found in the Patent Full Text and Image Database.
- PTE certificates issued (updated August 2022) [MS Excel] (spreadsheet file of the list that appears below)
