抗PCSK9抗体を巡るサノフィ(プラルエントPraluent®)とアムジェン(レパーサRepatha®)の争い: 知財高裁平成31年(ネ)10014
「プロタンパク質コンベルターゼスブチリシンケクシン9型(PCSK9)に対する抗原結合タンパク質」に関する特許権(第5705288号及び第5906333号)を保有するアムジェンが、サノフィによるプラルエント® (Praluent®)(被告製品)及びその原薬であるアリロクマブ(Alirocumab)(被告モノクローナル抗体)の生産等が当該特許権を侵害する旨主張して、それら生産等の差止め及び廃棄を求めた事案。
原判決(2019.01.17 「アムジェン v. サノフィ」 東京地裁平成29年(ワ)16468)は、被告モノクローナル抗体及び被告製品は、本件各発明の技術的範囲にそれぞれ属し、サノフィの主張する無効理由はいずれも理由がないなどとして、サノフィに対し、被告製品及び被告モノクローナル抗体の生産等の差止め並びに被告製品の廃棄を命じたため、サノフィは原判決を不服として控訴を提起していた。
以下、差止請求の当否についての裁判所の判断の抜粋。サノフィは、プラルエント® (被告製品)の差止めが患者利益を害することを具体的に立証できず、裁判所は差止請求は権利濫用に当たらないと判断した。
- EP2215124B1:
Claim 1. A monoclonal antibody or fragment thereof that binds to human PCSK9 and is neutralizing in that an excess of said antibody or fragment thereof is capable of reducing the quantity of PCSK9 bound to LDLR in an in vitro competitive binding assay, wherein said monoclonal antibody or fragment thereof competes for binding to PCSK9 with
(a) an antibody comprising a heavy chain variable region of the amino acid sequence in SEQ ID NO: 49; and a light chain variable region of the amino acid sequence in SEO ID NO: 23; or
(b) an antibody comprising a heavy chain variable region of the amino acid sequence in SEQ ID NO: 67; and a light chain variable region of the amino acid sequence in SEQ ID NO: 12.Sanofiらが異議申立てを行ったが、EPOは、特許権者AmgenによるAuxiliary Request 2はEPC要件を満たすとして補正を認め特許維持を決定した。この決定に対してSanofiらは審判請求し、現在審理中(Appeal No. T0845/19-3.3.04)。2020年3月24日に口頭審理が予定されている。
ドイツでは、SanofiがAmgen特許を侵害しているとの判断がされ、Sanofiは控訴したとのことである(Amgen press release 2019.07.11 Amgen Comments on PCSK9 Patent Litigation in Germany; Sanofi press release 2019.07.19 Statement Regarding Düsseldorf Regional Court Decision in Ongoing Praluent® (alirocumab) Patent Litigation in Germany)。
- US8,829,165:
Claim 1. An isolated monoclonal antibody, wherein, when bound to PCSK9, the monoclonal antibody binds to at least one of the following residues: S153, I154, P155, R194, D238, A239, I369, S372, D374, C375, T377, C378, F379, V380, or S381 of SEQ ID NO:3, and wherein the monoclonal antibody blocks binding of PCSK9 to LDLR.
米国におけるSanofiのPraluent®(Alirocumab)に対する特許侵害訴訟(Amgen v. Sanofi Docket No. 1:14-cv-01317; 2014.10.17 filed)の対象特許。2017年1月10日、デラウエア州連邦地裁は特許有効でありSanofiのPraluent®販売に対する差止めを認めたため、SanofiはCAFCに控訴した(No.17-1480)。2017年10月5日、CAFCは、恒久的な差止命令を取消し、地裁に差し戻す判決をして、地裁で再審理され、2019年8月28日、Amgen特許は実施可能要件を満たさず無効との判決が出された(Sanofi press release August 28 2019: Sanofi : U.S. District Court invalidates Amgen patent claims targeting PCSK9)。
この特許は、AmgenのREPATHA®の有効成分であるevolocumabを保護する特許でもある。2016年10月22日、REPATHA®(evolocumab)承認に基づく特許期間延長出願が提出された。同時にUS8,030,457及びUS8,981,064についても同日に延長出願がされている。これは、US8,829,165がSanofiのPraluent®(Alirocumab)に対する特許侵害訴訟に係属しており、その行く末によってどの特許でREPATHA®(evolocumab)の期間延長を得るか(※日本と違い米国の特許期間延長制度は有効成分につき一つの特許しか延長を認めない)選択肢を残しておくためである(2017.07.17 USPTOへの審査提出書類より)。訴訟決着まで延長出願審査を待つようAmgenによる請願を認めUSPTOは延長出願の審査を停止している。
- US8,030,457:
Claim 1. An isolated neutralizing antigen binding protein that binds to a PCSK9 protein comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1, wherein the neutralizing antigen binding protein comprises: a heavy chain polypeptide comprising the following complementarity determining regions (CDRs): a heavy chain CDR1 that is a CDR1 in SEQ ID NO: 49; a heavy chain CDR2 that is a CDR2 in SEQ ID NO: 49; a heavy chain CDR3 that is a CDR3 in SEQ ID NO: 49 and a light chain polypeptide comprising the following CDRs: a light chain CDR1 that is a CDR1 in SEQ ID NO: 23; a light chain CDR2 that a CDR2 in SEQ ID NO: 23; and a light chain CDR3 that is a CDR3 in SEQ ID NO: 23.
- US8,981,064:
Claim 1. A monoclonal antibody that binds to human PCSK9 at an epitope on PCSK9 that overlaps with an epitope that is bound by an antibody that comprises: a heavy chain variable region of the amino acid sequence in SEQ ID NO: 49; and a light chain variable region of the amino acid sequence in SEQ ID NO: 23, and wherein the epitope of said monoclonal antibody further overlaps with a site to which an EGFa domain of LDLR binds and thereby blocks binding between human PCSK9 and the EGFa domain of LDLR.
- US8,563,698:
Claim 1. An isolated monoclonal antibody, wherein, when bound to PCSK9, said monoclonal antibody binds to at least one residue within the sequence set forth by residues 123-132 of SEQ ID NO: 1, and wherein said monoclonal antibody reduces binding between PCSK9 and an EGFa domain of LDLR protein antagonizes PCSK9’s inhibition of cellular LDL uptake.
SanofiのPraluent®(Alirocumab)に対する特許侵害訴訟(Amgen v. Sanofi Docket No. 1:14-cv-01317; 2014.10.17 filed)の対象特許。
- US8,859,741:
Claim 1. An isolated monoclonal antibody that binds to PCSK9, wherein the isolated monoclonal antibody binds an epitope on PCSK9 comprising at least one of residues 237 or 238 of SEQ ID NO: 3, and wherein the monoclonal antibody blocks binding of PCSK9 to LDLR.
SanofiのPraluent®(Alirocumab)に対する特許侵害訴訟(Amgen v. Sanofi Docket No. 1:14-cv-01317; 2014.10.17 filed)の対象特許。
- US8,871,913:
Claim 1. An isolated monoclonal antibody that binds to an epitope of PCSK9, wherein the epitope includes at least one of amino acid residues 311 to 313 of SEQ ID NO: 1, and wherein the monoclonal antibody blocks binding of PCSK9 to LDLR.
SanofiのPraluent®(Alirocumab)に対する特許侵害訴訟(Amgen v. Sanofi Docket No. 1:14-cv-01349; 2014.10.28 filed)の対象特許。
- US8,871,914:
Claim 1. An isolated human monoclonal antibody that binds to an epitope on PSCK9, wherein the epitope comprises at least one of amino acid residues S123, E129, A311, D313, or D337 of SEQ ID NO: 1, and wherein the monoclonal antibody blocks binding of PCSK9 to LDLR.
SanofiのPraluent®(Alirocumab)に対する特許侵害訴訟(Amgen v. Sanofi Docket No. 1:14-cv-01349; 2014.10.28 filed)の対象特許。
- US8,889,834:
Claim 1. An isolated monoclonal antibody that binds to an epitope of PCSK9 that comprises at least three of amino acid residues 207, 208, 162, 164, 167, 132, 351, 390, 413, 123, 129, 311, 313, or 337 of SEQ ID NO:1, and wherein the monoclonal antibody blocks binding of PCSK9 to LDLR.
SanofiのPraluent®(Alirocumab)に対する特許侵害訴訟(Amgen v. Sanofi Docket No. 1:14-cv-01414; 2014.11.17 filed)の対象特許。
- US9,920,134:
Claim 1. A monoclonal antibody that binds to a PCSK9 protein, wherein the PCSK9 protein comprises the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1, wherein the monoclonal antibody comprises a light chain complementarity determining region (CDR) CDR1 that is a CDR1 in SEQ ID NO:46; a light chain CDR2 that is a CDR2 in SEQ ID NO:46; and a light chain CDR3 that is a CDR3 in SEQ ID NO: 46, and wherein the monoclonal antibody comprises a heavy chain CDR1 that is a CDR1 in SEQ ID NO:60; a light chain CDR2 that is a CDR2 in SEQ ID NO:60; and a light chain CDR3 that is a CDR3 in SEQ ID NO:60.
- US9,045,547:
Claim 1. A method for treating hypercholesterolemia in a patient, said method comprising administering to a patient in need thereof a therapeutically effective amount of a monoclonal antibody that binds to PCSK9, wherein the monoclonal antibody binds to an epitope on PCSK9 comprising at least one of the following residues: S153, I154, P155, R194, D238, A239, I369, S372, D374, C375, T377, F379, V380, or S381 of SEQ ID NO: 3, and wherein the monoclonal antibody blocks binding between PCSK9 and an EGFa domain of LDLR to thereby reduce an elevated serum cholesterol level.
- US8,168,762:
Claim 1. An isolated neutralizing antigen binding protein that binds to a PCSK9 protein comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1, wherein the neutralizing antigen binding protein comprises: a heavy chain polypeptide comprising the following complementarity determining regions (CDRs): a heavy chain CDR1 that is a CDR1 in SEQ ID NO: 67; a heavy chain CDR2 that is a CDR2 in SEQ ID NO: 67; a heavy chain CDR3 that is a CDR3 in SEQ ID NO: 67; and a light chain polypeptide comprising the following CDRs: a light chain CDR1 that is a CDR1 in SEQ ID NO: 12; a light chain CDR2 that a CDR2 in SEQ ID NO: 12; and a light chain CDR3 that is a CDR3 in SEQ ID NO: 12.
- US8,883,983:
Claim 1. An isolated monoclonal antibody that binds an epitope on hPCSK9 comprising one or more of residues 207, 208, 162, 164, 167, 132, 351, 390, 413, 123, 129, 311, 313, or 337 of SEQ ID NO:1, and wherein the monoclonal antibody blocks binding of PCSK9 to LDLR.
- US9,056,915:
Claim 1. A monoclonal antibody that binds to an epitope on PCSK9, wherein the epitope comprises at least one of the following residues: S153, I154, P155, R194, D238, A239, I369, S372, D374, C375, T377, C378, F379, V380, or S381 of SEQ ID NO:3, and wherein said monoclonal antibody comprises: a heavy chain variable region; and a light chain variable region; wherein the monoclonal antibody blocks binding interaction between PCSK9 and EGFa domain of LDLR.
- US9,493,576:
Claim 1. A monoclonal antibody that recognizes a conformational epitope on human PCSK9 comprising amino acid residues: S153, R194, D238, D374, T377, and F379 of SEQ ID NO: 3, wherein the monoclonal antibody reduces binding between PCSK9 and EGFa domain of LDLR.
【追記】AMGEN INC. v. SANOFI (Fed. Cir. 2021) 2020-1074: Decided February 11, 2021
“Amgen Inc., Amgen Manufacturing, Ltd., and Amgen USA, Inc. (collectively, “Amgen”) appeal from a decision of the United States District Court for the District of Delaware granting Judgment as a Matter of Law (“JMOL”) of lack of enablement of claims 19 and 29 of U.S. Patent 8,829,165 (the “’165 patent”) and claim 7 of U.S. Patent 8,859,741 (the “’741 patent”). See Amgen Inc. v. Sanofi, No. CV 14-1317-RGA, 2019 WL 4058927, at *1–2, *13 (D. Del. Aug. 28, 2019) (“Decision”).
We have considered Amgen’s remaining arguments but find them unpersuasive. For the reasons above, we affirm the district court’s determination that the asserted claims are invalid for lack of enablement.”