FLOXIN OTIC事件(the level of ordinary skill in the art): CAFC Docket No.06-1564
第一三共が販売するニューキノロン系抗菌耳科用製剤であるオフロキサシン(ofloxacin、商標名:FLOXIN OTIC、日本ではTARIVID、タリビッド)について、ジェネリックメーカーであるApotex社がFDAにANDA申請(パラグタフIV)したことに対し、特許権者である第一三共が侵害訴訟を提起した。
Claim 1:
A method for treating otopathy which comprises the topical otic administration of an amount of ofloxacin or a salt thereof effective to treat otopathy in a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier to the area affected with otopathy.
地裁は、”the ordinary person skilled in the art”は小児科医又は開業医であろうと結論づけることによって発明は自明ではなく、特許は有効と判断したが、CAFCは、それを否定し、特許は無効であると結論した。
Accordingly, the level of ordinary skill in the art of the ’741 patent is that of a person engaged in developing pharmaceutical formulations and treatment methods for the ear or a specialist in ear treatments such as an otologist, otolaryngologist, or otorhinolaryngologist who also has training in pharmaceutical formulations. Thus, the district court clearly erred in finding otherwise.
We now turn to the question of whether the invention of the ’741 patent would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention. The district court’s error in determining the level of ordinary skill in the art of the ’741 patent tainted its obviousness analysis. In view of the correct level of skill in the art and the evidence of record, we conclude that as a matter of law the ’741 patent is invalid as obvious.
進歩性判断におけるGraham factorのひとつである”the level of ordinary skill in the art”が争点となったKSR判決後の事案。Orange bookによれば、本特許による特許保護期間は、2012年3月27日までだったようである。
Claim: Use of ofloxacin or a salt thereof for preparing a topical preparation in otopathy, the use of S-(-)-ofloxacin being excluded.
- 日本製薬工業協会HPより: 21世紀に伝えたい「新薬開発物語」